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Video: What is Intent Data?

Madison Logic Team
March 23, 2016 Video

Madison Logic’s contention is that when you drive your marketing programs with intent data, you’ll see the most powerful return on your marketing investment. But many question “just what is intent data? how can it be so powerful?” To answer these questions we’ve produced a quick animated video that breaks down intent, how it’s gathered and how it can be applied to find the prospects who are in-market for your products now.

Video Transcript: Every month, Madison Logic listens to 4 billion intent interactions from 400 million decision makers at more than 2 million companies. Intent interactions occur when a user interacts with a piece of content on our private network of more than 1,600 publishers. Intent is triggered when a user downloads a whitepaper, reads a native article, watches a webinar, or watches a video.
Because such content is tied to specific intent topics, Madison Logic can analyze these interactions to determine the topics that are surging in the marketplace, giving users an up-to-date view into what their customers and prospects find important and can give you insights to what can be important in the near future. What surging means is that Madison Logic is observing a statistical rise in the amount of research that a company is doing on specific topics. What this means for our clients is that they have the ability to pinpoint every company and decision maker currently in market for your offerings, at every stage of the buyer journey.