Winning the Battle: Leveraging ABM for a Competitive Edge Blueprint

Imagine your top prospect is about to switch vendors. Is your company the first they consider? 

A 2022 study from Bain & Co. and Google shows that, out of 1,200 B2B tech buyers, 90% of buyers choose vendors from their Day 1 list—that important list of the companies they already have in mind before conducting any research on other potential vendors. But, Forrester notes, we’re in the buying group era, where more companies rely on buying committees who collectively come to a decision but largely do their own independent research. You’ll need to convince a wide range of stakeholders: those using the product, those signing off on the budget, and those who could tangentially benefit from your product. 

Download the Blueprint

This actionable Blueprint helps you build your competitive displacement strategy with an account-based marketing (ABM) approach so that you can quickly foster trust with buyers, raise your brand equity across the marketplace, and impact your marketing and revenue metrics so you can focus on providing premium customer service.  

In it, you’ll learn:  

  • Four steps you need to take to create your competitive displacement strategy 
  • How to leverage data for deeper, more accurate target account segmentation and targeting across buyer stages 
  • What metrics and key performance indicators to measure to optimize campaigns 
  • What a competitive displacement campaign looks like based on an example created by the Madison Logic product marketing team