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Ways to Market During Adverse Times: Make Your Content Work Harder

Madison Logic Team
March 20, 2020 2 MIN Blog

Step one of marketing through adversity is identifying the most important accounts for sales and marketing teams to talk to. Step two is making use of all those amazing brochures, one-pagers and presentations intended for the industry trade shows and client meetings.

No matter the situation, marketing can us content syndication to help drive business. By sharing relevant, useful content with interested buyers, they can increase product knowledge and brand awareness – leading to faster conversions. This is more important than ever when marketing through adverse times.

Hundreds of events have now been canceled around the world but organizations have already spent money creating high-quality content. They still need to get it in front of the right people at the best target accounts, and content syndication is the best way to do it. This is especially powerful when used in combination with personalized sales outreach.

Marketing teams need to work with sales to ensure that they have the most up-to-date, strategic content for their own outreach. Sales can send targeted, personalized messages via email, and marketing can reinforce their efforts by delivering valuable insights right into target accounts’ inboxes. This gives sales outreach more weight and will increase deal velocity.

At the end of the day, sales still needs to hit their goals and marketing needs to help them get there so every organization can make it through a difficult, uncertain time like this. With content syndication, marketers can reach the same target accounts with the same high-value content as they would at an industry trade show.

Now is the time to focus on ABM, get back to basics, and make your content work harder.

Check out Keep Calm and Carry On – Ways to Market During Adverse Times for more tips and reach out if you’re interested in learning more about Madison Logic’s global ABM platform.